Location: Russian Federation, Southern Federal District, Republic of Crimea.
Area - 107.6 (0.4% of the total territory of the republic).
Population - 151 thousand people.
Distance from the city of Simferopol - 210 km.
Kerch is the most ancient city of Russia, located in the eastern Crimea on the coast of the Kerch Strait. The city is of particular importance for the Republic of Crimea, as, in fact, it has become the largest transport hub, the Gateway of Crimea, providing land and sea transportation of passengers and cargo.
The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait will help to establish transport links with the mainland of Russia, increase the flow of tourists, give an economic impetus to the global development of the region and attract investors to the Crimea.
The urban district in the West borders with Leninsky district, in the South it is washed by the Black Sea, in the North by the Sea of Azov, and in the East, the Kerch Strait separates it from the borders of Krasnodar territory.
Terrain is large and hilly, the territory cuts through many beams and ravines. The city has a length of 42 km along the coast of the Kerch Strait. The small rivers Melek-Chesme (Primorskaya), Kerchav-Ilgasa, Bulganak, Dzhardzhava, Moskovskaya, Baksu flow through the territory of Kerch. In the vicinity of Kerch there are mud volcanoes and salt lakes.
Investment attractiveness
Industry specialization of the region: industry, transport, sanatorium and resort sphere and tourism.
Industry in the city is represented by shipbuilding, ship repair, and metalworking enterprises.
Major industrial enterprises: LLC «Zaliv Shipbuilding plant» LLC – construction and repair of vessels; «Yuvas-TRANS» LLC – repair, maintenance and re-equipment of vessels; «KMV» Fregat» LLC − construction and repair of vessels.
SUE RC «Kerch Metallurgical Plant» - produces turnouts and spare parts for them for main and industrial railway lines, city and underground transport lines, shoe collectors and headsets for electric switches.
The food industry is represented by: Kerch bakery − a branch of SUE RC «Krymhleb»; State Enterprise «Kerch Grain Products Plant» − production of the highest and 1st grade flour, semolina and rice groats, feed mixes, grain storage services.
Investment in the fishing industry
The fishing and fishing industry in Kerch is represented by the following companies:
- «Proliv» LLC − processing and canning of fish;
- «Aqua Alliance» LLC − fish processing and storage;
- «Industrial and commercial fishing company «Belaya Rus» LLC − fishing, processing and preserving fish and seafood products, growing grain and leguminous crops;
- «Gala-Moreproduct» LLC − services in processing and freezing of fish, storage of frozen fish, making food ice;
- «Vo STO krat» LLC − processing and canning of fish;
- «Kerchkholod» LLC − fish processing and food storage;
- PC «Fishing collective farm named after the 1st of May» − catch, freeze and store fish.
Investment in transport infrastructure
The transport infrastructure is represented by FSUE RC «KMP» «Kerch Commercial Port», FSUE RC «KMP» «Kerch Fish Port», FSUE RC «KMP» «Kerch Ferry Terminal», LLC «Tis-Krym» and rail and road services. Additional services to shipowners and agent companies are provided by FSUE RC «Rosmorport» to ensure the safety of navigation in the waters of seaports and on the approaches to them.
In 2022, it is planned to build and reconstruct the port infrastructure of the Kerch seaport on the territory of 27.8 thousand square meters. The estimated cost of the project is 1.5 billion RUB.
It also provides for the construction of anti-landslide structures of the coastal slope in the Arshintsevo area, the estimated cost of the project is 1.4 billion RUB.
Investment in health-resort and recreational complex
The region has opportunities for the development of swimming and beach recreation and health tourism, which is due to the many beach areas located along the coastline of the city. As well as its close proximity to one of the most healing in terms of the mineral composition of the lakes of Crimea − Chokrak, whose mud and brine are actively used in recreation purposes.
The network of sanatorium-resort institutions is developed in the urban district.
The largest enterprises of the sanatorium and resort sphere include: the recreation center «Dva morya»; recreation center «Zaliv»; pension «Eltigen»; sanatorium «Moskva-Krym»; hotel «Meridian»; Sanatorium «Zaliv»; recreation center «Solnechniy bereg».
Historical and cultural potential of the region are the basis for investment in tourism
The actual direction of the development of recreation in the region is cultural and educational tourism. Kerch is the oldest city in Russia, whose history goes back over 2,600 years. Given the unique geographical location of the city and the presence on its territory of many monuments of ancient civilizations, Kerch is included in the UNESCO «Silk Road» international program.
On the territory of the city district there are 93 monuments of cultural heritage that are listed in the State Register of immovable monuments of history and culture, including:
- monuments of archeology − 23 (11 of them are of national importance);
- historical monuments − 54 (2 of them are of national importance);
- architectural monuments − 17 (6 of them are of national importance).
The cultural heritage in the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve are 15 monuments, 12 of them of national importance: the ancient settlement Nymphae, the ancient settlement Panticapaeum, the ancient settlement Tiritaka, the ancient settlement Mirmeki, the ancient stone crypt of Demeter, the Melek-Chesmensky kurgan, the Tsarsky kurgan, the Adzhimushkay kamenolomni and memorial complex «Geroyam Adzhimushkaya», the house of Messakudi XIX century, the ancient earthen crypt, the fortress «Kerch».
Large investment projects
In the municipal formation – Kerch city of the Republic of Crimea, the largest amount of investment was actually invested in the implementation of the following projects:
- сement plant, concrete production, the investment volume: RUB 939.2 million;
- construction of the residential complex "Chkalova Park", the investment volume: RUB 1.03 billion;
- plant for the production of metal lighting poles", the investment volume: RUB 762 million;
- construction of the residential microdistrict "MITRIDAT", the investment volume: RUB 589 million;
- creation of a fish receiving point in Kerch city, investment volume: RUB 317 million.
Projects implemented within the free economic zone (FEZ) in Kerch of the Republic of Crimea
63 projects are being implemented in the territory of Kerch city district within the framework of the FEZ, the largest are:
- development of JSC "Shipbuilding Plant "Zaliv" named after B. I. Butom" (Investment volume: RUB 715.6 million, 3.430 jobs are being created);
- construction of a cement production plant (Investment volume: RUB 650 million, 150 jobs are being created);
- organization of a full production cycle, within the framework of the execution of twenty-eight (28) projects, including complex multicomponent polymers using injection molding technology (Investment volume: RUB 510.6 million, 5279 jobs are created);
- creation of a plant for the production of metal structures (Investment volume: RUB 408 million, 436 jobs are being created).
Investment in fixed assets in the city district of Kerch
Investment in fixed assets for 2020 amounted to 9.7 billion RUB.
Per 1 person, the investment amounted to 63.8 thousand RUB.
Investment in education
A comprehensive school for 825 places is being built in Kerch, the estimated cost of the project is RUB 902.9 million, commissioning is in 2023.
Planned for 2022-2023:
- construction of a PEI in Marat microdistrict – 2, Kerch for 260 seats, the investment volume: RUB 270.3 million;
- reconstruction of the Preschool Educational Institution No.16 "Zolotaya rybka", Provalova str., 37, Kerch, the estimated cost of the project is RUB 45.3 million.
Investment in housing and communal services
In the municipality, projects are planned for:
- recultivation of the MSW landfill on an area of 19.5 ha, the estimated cost of the project is RUB 702.5 million;
- reconstruction of the main water pipelines of Kerch, with a length of 19.1 km, the estimated cost of the project is RUB 1.1 billion;
- reconstruction of distribution networks in Kerch, with a length of 21.4 km, the estimated cost of the project is RUB 712.3 million;
- construction of water supply and sanitation networks in Geroevskoye village of the municipal formation of the Kerch city district of the Republic of Crimea, with a length of 22.7 km and 27.9 km, respectively, the estimated cost of the projects is RUB 202.1 million and 1.3 billion, respectively;
- reconstruction of the Bondarenkovsky SPIT in Kerch the estimated cost of the project is RUB 5.4 billion.
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