Message from the Head of the Republic of Crimea on the investment climate in the Republic of Crimea
Dear colleagues, investors and entrepreneurs!
The creation of a favorable investment climate and the attraction of investments is the result of the work of the Government of the Republic of Crimea!
The republic has been under sanctions for 10 years. Despite of this, active work is being carried out aimed at ensuring optimal conditions for attracting investment into the economy of the republic and the successful implementation of investment projects.
The Government of Crimea has carried out large-scale work aimed at improving the investment climate in the Republic of Crimea, creating the most favorable conditions for the implementation of investment projects and attracting investment in general.
Today, investment activity in Crimea is not decreasing, but is growing, the number of investment projects that are in progress is constantly increasing, both those at the pre-investment stage and at the investment stage.
Within the framework of investment agreements in the region:
The most attractive sectors for investment:
Within the framework of the free economic zone:
Development prospects of the Republic of Crimea helping an investor to make a decision on investment projects planned for implementation on the Republic of Crimea territory:

The operation of the free economic zone on the territory of the Republic of Crimea;

Development of public infrastructure using funds from the federal target programs and state programs;
Development of industrial infrastructure through the creation of industrial parks with a wide range of specializations;

Financial support by providing infrastructure budget loans, implementation of measures to stimulate housing development programs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the "Stimulus" program) within the framework of the "Housing" regional project of the Republic of Crimea
The main goal of the investment development of the Republic of Crimea is to increase the real growth of investments in fixed capital as a contribution to achieving the national development goal of at least 70 % compared to 2020 by 2030.
Tools to achieve the main investment development goal for the Republic of Crimea are:

attracting investments in fixed capital (except for investments from the federal budget) in the Republic of Crimea in the amount of at least 800 billion rubles in pursuance of the order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated April 7, 2021 No. Pr-536;

increasing the volume of exports of the Republic of Crimea;

introducing a system to support new investment projects in the Republic of Crimea ("Regional Investment Standard");

developing innovative economy sectors of the Republic of Crimea;

increasing the volume of private investments;

creating and developing industrial parks in the territory of the Republic of Crimea;

improving the economy competitiveness of the Republic of Crimea;

improving the living standards of the population;

increasing the efficiency of using the government support measures for the investment activities in the Republic of Crimea;

contributing to an increase in the overall volume of vocational training
In case of any difficulties in the implementation of an investment project, the Government of Crimea is ready to consider and resolve the investor's problematic issues within the framework of the Investment Committee, established in early 2022, as well as within the framework of "INVEST HOUR" at the site of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea.
Over the past year, the Government has launched a number of new promising mechanisms that provide entities with additional opportunities to launch investment projects.
in the field of investment activities and the FEZ.In addition, work is constantly underway to improve the regulatory framework in the field of investment activities and the FEZ.
On March 8, 2022, amendments to Federal Law No. 377 came into force.
To obtain the status of a participant in the free economic zone in Crimea, organizations only need to have a branch or a representative office on the peninsula. These changes will definitely help attract investment into the region’s economy, and new production facilities and jobs will be created.
As a result of the investment policy, since 2014, the economy of the republic has managed to attract approximately 1.75 trillion rubles of investments in fixed capital.
An irrefutable proof of the efficiency of the measures taken and of the support mechanisms created is the fact that the Republic of Crimea, which in 2016 was only the 84th out of 85 in the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Subjects of the Russian Federation, for the first time in history entered the top five, taking the 5th place.