About «Crimea Development Corporation»
«Crimea Development Corporation» Joint Stock Company (JSC) — a regional development institution, established on the 25th of November, in 2015, on the initiative of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea to improve the business climate of the Republic of Crimea, conducting investment activities and targeted investment in priority sectors of economy of the Republic of Crimea, creating a tool for the implementation of regional investment strategies, development and implementation of investment projects of territorial development of the Republic of Crimea, creation and development of industrial parks and Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Crimea. Company head office is located in Simferopol.
Performing functions of a specialized organization for attracting investment and working with investors in the «One-stop-shop» concept.
Regulation for the interaction of a specialized organization with investors on the «One-stop-shop» concept in the investment projects realization in the territory of the Republic of Crimea (as amended on January 25, 2021)
Regulation (PDF, 5.37 Mb)Corporation cooperates with regional executive authorities, development institutions, private investors and investment funds in order to create a favorable investment climate and implement a regional investment strategy by attracting investment in priority sectors of the regional economy, including development of Public-Private Partnerships.
Filling industrial and agro-industrial parks with residents.
Crimea Development Corporation provides investors with a number of free services:
- Search and selection of investment sites on the territory of the Republic of Crimea for the implementation of investment projects, taking into account the parameters set by the investor.
- Formation and maintenance of the register of investment sites of the Republic of Crimea.
- Formation and maintenance of the register of investment proposals of the Republic of Crimea.
- Consultation about state support measures and investment activity on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation.
- Consultations of investors implementing or planning to implement investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Crimea on financial, economic and legal issues related to the implementation of investment projects.
- Consideration of investor appeals on the application of public-private partnership mechanisms within the framework of the PPP project office established in the Corporation.
- Organization of negotiations, meetings, conferences aimed at resolving issues arising in the preparation for the implementation and implementation of investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
- Support of investment projects on the principle of "one stop shop" concept on the territory of the Republic of Crimea signed agreements on the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Crimea concluded with investors in accordance with the Procedure of consideration of the agreements on the implementation of investment projects, monitoring and support of investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea № 368 dated 07.10.2014 "On some issues of implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Crimea".
Presentation materials:

Today, the Republic of Crimea is a territory of unique opportunities for doing business and effective work of investor capital. Investment in Crimea are investment in the future of Russia!
We are ready to cooperate, we form transparent relations between government and business, create comfortable conditions for the investor to work and implement investment projects.
Magazine «Invest in Crimea» − presents the latest business news, current comments on legislation, and personal success stories of investors.
In addition, on the pages of magazine, reader receives complete and up-to-date information about free investment sites for opening and developing their business, as well as about upcoming events in the investment and economic sphere.
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