General information
The name of the peninsula is presumably originated from the Turkic word "Kirim" - a bank, wall or moat. In Russian sources Crimea was called Taurida up to 20-ies of XX century.
The Republic of Crimea is the subject of the Russian Federation, being the part of Crimean Federal District. The capital of Crimea is Simferopol city.
On March 18, 2014 the interstate agreement on the adoption of the independent Republic of Crimea into Russian Federation was signed and new subjects of the Federation - Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol were formed.
The Council of Ministers of Crimea is the permanent supreme executive authority of the Republic of Crimea.
Today, Crimea is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors by wonderful climate, warm sea, a variety of natural landscapes and plenty of opportunities for active pastime and recreation.
Crimea is the most multi-ethnic region of Russia.
The history of Crimea is a legend, a song that is recorded with notes of cave cities, the ruins of medieval castles and fortresses, striking with their beauty and luxury of palaces that have survived to this day.
Crimea is the connection of ancient cultural traditions. It is a place where the heritage of the world is reflected in a small scale. Here you can find traces of the most ancient archaic traditions and wonderful monuments of ancient art. Crimea is a place where a great Christian culture evolved at the intersection of Byzantine, Balkan and Russian worlds. There is also a rich heritage of Arabic, Tatar, Turkish and other cultures preserved.
History of Crimea - is an interlacement of East and West, the history of the Greeks and the Golden Horde, Tatars and Cossacks, early Christian church and mosques.
The first peoples who lived in the steppe part of Crimea in XV-VII BC were the Cimmerians. It is believed that one of the first peoples who lived in the steppe part of the Crimea in the XV-VII century BC, were the Cimmerians. These ancient inhabitants of the Peninsula, known to us from written sources. They left only geographical names in memory of themselves: the Cimmerian Bosporus (Kerch Strait), the Cimmerian walls, the Cimmerian Ford. According to Herodotus, the Cimmerians were driven from the southern Russian steppes and Crimea to Asia Minor by the Scythian.
In different periods the peninsula was inhabited by the Tauri, Scythians and Sarmatians, the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Goths and the Huns in ancient times; South Slavs and Armenians, Pechenegs and Polovtsians, Khazars and proto-Bulgarians, Venetians and Genoese, Tatars and Turks - in the Middle Ages. At all times the population of the peninsula was very colorful.
In IX century, the Slavs actively interfered in the course of Crimean history. In the IX century Khazar power declined and was finally defeated in the 60s of X century by Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. In 988-989 years Kiev Prince Vladimir took Chersonese (Korsun).
In the XI-XII centuries Crimea exposed to attacks of the nomads - Polovtsian.
In the XIII century Tatar-Mongol nomads invaded Crimea. They gave the peninsula its present name - Qırım (Crimea). Pushing aside the local population to the south to the mountains, the Golden Horde settled down in the steppe part of Crimea for two centuries.
At the beginning of the XV century Crimean Khanate arose in Crimea, which became a vassal of Turkey.
In 1783, after the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774.) Crimea was annexed to the Russian Empire. Crimea became part of Taurian province (since 1802).
After the abolition of serfdom in Russia, the Crimea began to develop rapidly. Construction of railroads had a great influence on the development of the region's economy. It linked the eastern and western regions with the cities of Russia. Crimea was increasingly becoming important as a resort.
At the beginning of the XX century in an economic sense Crimea was an agricultural land with a small number of industrial cities. The main city was Simferopol and port cities of Sevastopol, Kerch and Feodosia.
In the fall of 1921 Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR was formed.
On February 19, 1954 Crimea was included as an oblast to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In February 1991, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as part of Ukraine was formed.
On March 16, 2014 the referendum on the status of Crimea was held.
On March 18, 2014 the agreement on joining Crimea to Russia was signed.
The Republic of Crimea is located on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula.
The favorable economic and geographical position of the Republic of Crimea is due to the fact that the region occupies the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, located in the south of Eastern Europe between 44о23’– 46о15’ north latitude and 32о29’–36о39’ east longitude. Time zone of Crimea is + 2 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Crimea is located in the latitudinal zone of the globe, located at equal distances from the equator and the North Pole.
Area of Crimea - 26.1 thousand sq. km, which is 0.15% of the territory of Russia. Length: from west to east - 360 km, from north to south - 180 km.
The Republic of Crimea is bordering with the city of federal significance Sevastopol on the south-west, with Kherson region on the north, with Krasnodar region through the narrow Kerch Strait (4.5 km) in the east.
The Republic of Crimea is dominated by maritime borders, the length of the coastline is about 2500 km. The Crimean Peninsula is washed by two seas: the Black and Azov seas.
The Black Sea is a deep (up to 2245 m), almost closed, oval-shaped reservoir. In terms of its water surface area (413.5 thousand square kilometers), this flat-bottomed basin is more than 15 times larger than the area of the Crimean Peninsula.
The Sea of Azov, on the contrary, is very shallow. Its greatest depth does not exceed 13.5 meters. It is much inferior to the Black Sea in terms of area (37.6 thousand square kilometers).
The extreme points: in the south - Cape Sarich; in the west - Cape Priboyny; in the east - Cape Fonar.
Major seaports - Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosia, Kerch.
LocationFavorable Economic and Geographical Location
Between 44о23’–46о15’ N and 32о29’–36о39’ E.
thousand ksq.m.0.15% of the Russian territory.
Length: from west to east: 360 km, from north to south: 180 km.
thousand kmCoastline length.
The Crimean Peninsula is washed by the waters of two seas: the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
The time zone of the Republic of Crimea.
Clocks in Crimea and Moscow struck midnight at the same time.
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